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Hey Y'all: Quarantine Edition with Meghan

By Samantha Jenkins

Samantha: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning to get your day going?

Meghan: I always try to do some kind of movement that serves my body on that day. Most days, it looks like rolling out my yoga mat and doing a five minute flow. Some mornings it looks like three minute abs, three minute meditation. But everyday I try to do something for myself before I look at my phone, pour my coffee, etc. One positive that has come out of this quarantine has been learning how to slow down my mornings, and I hope I will still practice these habits when life goes back to normal. After my morning stretch, I do my skin care and brush my teeth right away - I can’t move on with my day unless I feel freshhh.

Samantha: What are some of your go-to work outs? Favorite guided workout sessions?

Meghan: Yoga and pilates changed my relationship with my body and with working out in general. I enjoy a HIIT class (like on the Peloton app or a soulcycle class) every once in a while, but I prefer low impact workouts and walking or jogging daily. I go to Yoga to the People classes in NYC, but I’m currently using Core Power On Demand online. Core Power Yoga is my favorite workout of all time but it’s on the pricey side at the studios in New York. Samantha: Have any hobbies developed while being in quarantine?

Meghan: I’ve started crafting more (in the form of journaling). I used to spend so much time making my journal entries visually appealing but over time lost that and focused more on content. I don’t always journal in the form of stories - sometimes my journaling takes the form of to-lists, quotes, gratitude exercises, etc. These past few weeks I’ve spent more time pasting in newspaper clippings, sketching out what I’m looking at, taping in a flower and things like that!

Samantha: Is there a mantra or quote that helps you stay positive?

Meghan: I’m a sucker for a good quote but I think my positivity comes from practicing gratitude. If you can find five things to be grateful for everyday in your life, even on your bad days, the positivity comes so easily. If I have to pick a quote to live by though it would be the following (warning: it’s long but worth the read) :)

“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

~Mother Teresa”

Samantha: Favorite snacks/food you eat throughout the week?

Meghan: I’m obsessed with mango - always have been! It’s just my favorite snack - sliced or dried. I also snack on popcorn, granola (I make a really good homemade granola) and, technically not a snack but a fave, La Croix lol.

Samantha: Speaking of snacks, what is your #1 favorite restaurant in NYC?

Meghan: As we share a love of pizza, you already knowwwww I’m craving Rubirosa.

Samantha: What do you miss most about NYC?

Meghan: I miss brunch with my friends. I miss rooftop happy hours with my coworkers. I miss the effortless, yet constant, street style inspiration from the girls that live in East Village. I miss people-watching hungover on a Saturday afternoon in Washington Square Park. I miss dancing until my feet hurt from my heels. I’ve found that what I’m missing the most are the little moments that made NYC finally feel like home and I can’t wait to go back. I know that New York will get through this and we will come back stronger than ever. Can we talk about how I have a crush on Governor Cuomo? #NYTough

Samantha: If you could only suggest one book to read right now, what would it be and why?

Meghan: Becoming by Michelle Obama! I read over a year ago, but I find myself going back to reread certain anecdotes and quotes. She’s an incredible woman; inspiring, hardworking, and resilient. But because I can’t pick just one I think Rising Strong by Brene Brown is another great book for all young women to read. Brown talks about the courage it takes to be vulnerable and how growing into the truest version of yourself is the greatest thing you can do for yourself, for your happiness and for the happiness of those around you.

Samantha: Any virtual dating (or flirting) tips via quarantine style?

Meghan: More power to the people that are FaceTime dating! And for the first date?! Talk about the courage to be vulnerable. I think it’s fun to mix things up and now’s a great time to have more interesting conversations. Maybe that looks like asking The 36 Questions to Fall in Love, taking personality tests, diving deeper into your astrological compatibility or maybe it’s just a time to Netflix Party and chill.

Samantha: What is one positive thing you hope will come out of this uncertain time?

Meghan: I hope that the world leaves their homes, whenever that may be, with every intention to love more, live more in the moment and spread positivity to everyone around them. The following months are not going to be easy for a lot of people for so many reasons and the simplest way we can make it easier for one and other is by being kind.


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